Welcome to the Wolfe's (Writing) Den
I’m J.C. Wolfe (or Jay C. Wolfe, hence the name of my blog). I’m a fiction writer and aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction novels.
This is my blog, where I share my thoughts on various creative writing topics, my original stories and poetry, and eventually information about my books.
Feel free to explore my site and follow my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! Happy reading!
Who is J.C. Wolfe?

J.C. Wolfe is the artistic alter ego of a shy, nerdy 20-something-year-old biologist with a colorful imagination and a lifelong dream of being a fiction writer. She is a born-and-raised American, and after finishing grad school six thousand miles away in the exotic southern region of Brazil, she once again resides in her true home in California. Her favorite literary genres are fantasy and science fiction, and she hides behind a gender-neutral pen name while she weaves her endless thoughts and daydreams into stories meant to touch hearts and inspire the imagination of any soul who might cross her path.
Word of the Week
Word of the Week: Vituperate
Word: vituperate Pronunciation: və-TYOO-pə-rayt / vy-T(Y)OO-pə-rayt Part of Speech: verb Definition: blame or insult (someone) in strong or violent language Source: Oxford Dictionaries Time for another vocabulary word from the Elevate – Brain Training app! This is...
Word of the Week: Gumption
Word: gumption Pronunciation: GƏMP-sh(ə)n Part of Speech: noun Definition: shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness Source: Oxford Dictionaries Jasper: What exactly has got into you? Iris: I don't know. But I think what I've got is something slightly...
Word of the Week: Shibboleth
Word: shibboleth Pronunciation: SHI-bə-ləth Part of Speech: noun Definition: a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important Source: Oxford Dictionaries...
Creative Writing Blog
My 3 Favorite Christmas Specials
Christmas is almost here, which means it's a great time to share some more forms of art related to holiday cheer! I've already written about my favorite Christmas stories and songs (twice) in the past, so this year I thought it would be fun to share a short post about...
My Reading Goals: Books I’ve Read in 2017
As we reach the end of 2017, it's a good time to look back on our achievements over the past year. Back in January, I set another goal to read 10 books for the Goodreads Reading Challenge, and though I'm still technically working on it, I'm optimistic about reaching...
What If? Writing Prompts: Holidays IV
December is here! Another year has come and gone, and with the holiday season about to shift into high gear, it's a great time for some more "What If?" Writing Prompts! This week's batch of prompts once again centers around the theme of the holidays. See what holiday...
Hot Off the Press
(What If? Exercise: Read the description here.) I must be a terrible teacher. Since college, all I ever wanted to do was teach. I studied pedagogy for years. I took student teacher positions at three different schools. And I graduated from my university with highest...
Enjoy the Party! (Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #160)
I was never one To party the night away I enjoy my peace Summer's almost through So enjoy while you still can Parties on the beach Life is way too short Choose to make the most of it Enjoy the party! My responses to Ronovan Writes' Weekly Haiku Challenge #160: Party...
Make Your Fate (Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #159)
Every day I make Promises that I will work To change my own fate The fate of your world All depends on what you choose To make of yourself Don't believe in fate Take control of your own life Make your destiny My responses to Ronovan Writes' Weekly Haiku Challenge...