Welcome to the Wolfe's (Writing) Den
I’m J.C. Wolfe (or Jay C. Wolfe, hence the name of my blog). I’m a fiction writer and aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction novels.
This is my blog, where I share my thoughts on various creative writing topics, my original stories and poetry, and eventually information about my books.
Feel free to explore my site and follow my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! Happy reading!
Who is J.C. Wolfe?

J.C. Wolfe is the artistic alter ego of a shy, nerdy 20-something-year-old biologist with a colorful imagination and a lifelong dream of being a fiction writer. She is a born-and-raised American, and after finishing grad school six thousand miles away in the exotic southern region of Brazil, she once again resides in her true home in California. Her favorite literary genres are fantasy and science fiction, and she hides behind a gender-neutral pen name while she weaves her endless thoughts and daydreams into stories meant to touch hearts and inspire the imagination of any soul who might cross her path.
Word of the Week
Word of the Week: Paterfamilias
Word: paterfamilias Pronunciation: pay-tər-fə-MI-lee-əs / pah-tər-fə-MI-lee-əs Part of Speech: noun Definition: the male head of a family or household Source: Oxford Dictionaries Father's Day is this Sunday, so it's a good week to share an uncommon synonym for...
Word of the Week: Palimpsest
Word: palimpsest Pronunciation: PA-ləm(p)-sest Part of Speech: noun Definition: a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain Source: Oxford Dictionaries Fun fact...
Word of the Week: Venerable
Word: venerable Pronunciation: VE-n(ə)r-ə-b(ə)l Part of Speech: adjective Definition: accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character Source: Oxford Dictionaries It's Memorial Day in the US, a time to remember and revere the brave men...
Creative Writing Blog
What If? Writing Prompts: Horror V
It's the month of Halloween again, so here are some new "What If?" Writing Prompts for you to enjoy! This week's set of prompts is centered around the genre of horror. What sorts of scary stories can you write from these ideas? Have fun! What if... every time you had...
My Thoughts on Despair, Hope, and Creativity
So it's been a brutal last several weeks, hasn't it? From a conga line of devastating hurricanes to a humanitarian crisis in a U.S. territory to a mass shooting labeled the worst in American history, it's almost as if 2017 is trying to set some sort of horrible...
5 Major Themes and Motifs in Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”
It's the first week of October, so regular readers of mine, you know the drill: it's time to dive once again into my all-time favorite story, Romeo & Juliet! In the past, I've covered five points in the story that are often missed, the reasons it really is a great...
Hot Off the Press
Fun in the Sun
(What If? Exercise: Read the description here.) Our favorite time of year is around the corner again! A time when we can relax and have fun. You know we'll be hitting the beach soon. Ice cream every day is a must. School's out for the season too! Vacation time is...
Tease If You Please (Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #151)
Every time you tease I can't help but laugh out loud To please your humor Please forgive my tricks But I just could not resist Teasing you that way Tell me if you please Why I can't stop smiling now At the way you tease My responses to Ronovan Writes' Weekly Haiku...
In Memoriam
Memories, old and new, of Every life lost among the Many brave souls who fight for an Overwhelming love for their country Remain in our hearts with our Infinite gratitude for their service. America remains free thanks to the Lives of those who defend it! Don't forget...