Welcome to the Wolfe's (Writing) Den
I’m J.C. Wolfe (or Jay C. Wolfe, hence the name of my blog). I’m a fiction writer and aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction novels.
This is my blog, where I share my thoughts on various creative writing topics, my original stories and poetry, and eventually information about my books.
Feel free to explore my site and follow my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! Happy reading!
Who is J.C. Wolfe?

J.C. Wolfe is the artistic alter ego of a shy, nerdy 20-something-year-old biologist with a colorful imagination and a lifelong dream of being a fiction writer. She is a born-and-raised American, and after finishing grad school six thousand miles away in the exotic southern region of Brazil, she once again resides in her true home in California. Her favorite literary genres are fantasy and science fiction, and she hides behind a gender-neutral pen name while she weaves her endless thoughts and daydreams into stories meant to touch hearts and inspire the imagination of any soul who might cross her path.
Word of the Week
Word of the Week: Inauguration
Word: inauguration Pronunciation: i-nah-ɡ(y)ə-RAY-sh(ə)n Part of Speech: noun Definition: the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period Source: Oxford Dictionaries Was there any other word I could have chosen for today's Word of the Week? Being American...
Word of the Week: Emolument
Word: emolument Pronunciation: ə-MAHL-yə-mənt Part of Speech: noun Definition: a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office Source: Oxford Dictionaries You may recall seeing today's Word of the Week floating around the news a while back. A few months ago, some...
Word of the Week: Surreal
Word: surreal Pronunciation: sə-REE-əl Part of Speech: adjective Definition: having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre Source: Oxford Dictionaries Happy New Year! It's the first Word of the Week of 2017, and since I ended 2016's vocabulary segment with Oxford...
Creative Writing Blog
Off The Bookshelf: Sense and Sensibility
Back in January, I finally returned to my Off The Bookshelf segment with a review of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. So today, I'd like to continue my reviews by writing about the other Austen novel I read last year. Since I've definitely been enjoying reading her...
14 More Redundant Phrases You Should Edit in Your Writing
Remember that list of redundant phrases I shared on my blog a few weeks ago? Well, here are some more examples of phrases collected from the Elevate – Brain Training app that should be edited for brevity. Sometimes it seems like we never run out of these common...
My 5 Favorite Fictional Mothers
Mother's Day is this Sunday, and to mark the occasion, I thought it would be fun to share a list of some favorite moms in fiction! Mothers are undeniably among the most important figures in family dynamics, so it's no surprise that fictional mothers also play a highly...
Hot Off the Press
A Brand New Year
So another new year has begun, And we hope it'll be a good one. Though it still seems surreal From the way that we feel, We'll at least try to make it more fun! 'Cause the last year we suffered was rough. For too many of us, it was tough. From the people we lost To...
My Twenty Sixteen
My Twenty Sixteen was chaotic, An interesting twelvemonth at best. There were times when I felt in control, And times I was put to the test. I managed my greatest achievement Through months of a studying spree, 'Til at last I defended my thesis And earned me a...
A Christmas Sonnet
'Tis the season that ends another year, A time we celebrate the Lord above. The air is filled with warm holiday cheer As families rejoice and share their love. Evergreen trees are dressed in colored light As door to door, the caroling choirs roam. Outside, the falling...