The Wolfe's (Writing) Den

Here dwells a creative writer

Welcome to the Wolfe's (Writing) Den

I’m J.C. Wolfe (or Jay C. Wolfe, hence the name of my blog). I’m a fiction writer and aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction novels.

This is my blog, where I share my thoughts on various creative writing topics, my original stories and poetry, and eventually information about my books.

Feel free to explore my site and follow my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! Happy reading!

Who is J.C. Wolfe?

J.C. Wolfe is the artistic alter ego of a shy, nerdy 20-something-year-old biologist with a colorful imagination and a lifelong dream of being a fiction writer. She is a born-and-raised American, and after finishing grad school six thousand miles away in the exotic southern region of Brazil, she once again resides in her true home in California. Her favorite literary genres are fantasy and science fiction, and she hides behind a gender-neutral pen name while she weaves her endless thoughts and daydreams into stories meant to touch hearts and inspire the imagination of any soul who might cross her path.

Word of the Week

Word of the Week: Evanescent

Word: evanescent Pronunciation: e-və-NE-s(ə)nt Part of Speech: adjective Definition: soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing Source: Oxford Dictionaries Why are there so many poetic ways to say "short-lived"? Are artists simply...

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Word of the Week: Nepotism

Word: nepotism Pronunciation: NE-pə-ti-zəm Part of Speech: noun Definition: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs Source: Oxford Dictionaries Amy: I'm Amy Rose, and I'll be auditioning for the...

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Word of the Week: Adumbrate

Word: adumbrate Pronunciation: A-dəm-brayt / ə-DƏM-brayt Part of Speech: verb Definition: report or represent in outline indicate faintly foreshadow or symbolize overshadow Source: Oxford Dictionaries Is it ironic to learn a word with four different meanings without...

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Creative Writing Blog

5 Lessons of Love in Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet”

Welcome to the first week of October, or as it's come to be known here on The Wolfe's (Writing) Den, "Romeo & Juliet Week"! Yes, every year around this time, I like to share a post about my favorite love story: since I started blogging in 2013, I've covered five...

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3 Lessons from My Mother That Inspire My Writing

I've made no secret of the fact that much of my inspiration for writing comes from my family. Some of that inspiration comes from observation while some of it comes directly from the lessons they teach me, and some of the best lessons I've ever learned came from my...

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25 More Sets of Easily Confused Words to Be Aware Of

Every morning, as part of my daily routine, I exercise my mind with the Elevate - Brain Training app. I tend to do well in most of the Writing games, but there is one that almost always trips me up no matter how many times I play it: Error Avoidance. In this game,...

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Hot Off the Press


What I saw from Above you, Of you, Is what I see Into you, To you. How could you ever Fancy me? See me. You're all I want Before me, For me. Yet if you don't Believe me, Leave me. I saw all the lies My ego threw you Go through you. I see the truth In you– no, me. You...

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Perfect Shot

(What If? Exercise: Read the description here.) The archery competition was to be held in the village. The grand prize: ten thousand coins and a kiss. He was only here to win the latter. He'd loved the lord's daughter since childhood. Secretly, she prayed for his...

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Sonnet to my Greatest Role Model

If there were only one thing I could do To show you how you mean the world to me, The best gift I could think to give to you Would be to share my love poetically! Today I thank you, Mom, for all the love And care you've given me to help me grow. Your lessons have been...

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