by Naomi L. | August 29, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! Another month has passed since I last shared an update on my blog, so here comes another quick update about what’s been going on in the month of August with my writing and my blog relaunch. Progress has been slower than expected, but I’m still excited to share what I’ve been working on!
So to keep you up to date, here are some updates on my writing endeavors in August!

Updates on my Books
As I mentioned before, I’ve already finished self-editing my three dragon stories, but I’m still figuring out how to format my book. As much as I love Scrivener for writing and editing manuscripts, compiling those manuscripts into properly formatted ebook files can be a real challenge! Hopefully I’ll figure it out soon!
I’m also still waiting on updates from my book cover designer, so I have nothing new to report there. Don’t worry, though; I will definitely share a sneak peek of the cover when it’s ready!
On the side, I’ve still been editing my 100k-word fantasy novel every day and working on my new short story trilogy in some of my spare time, though most of my writing time this month has been dedicated to finishing the current book of dragon stories. I can’t wait to finally publish it!
Updates on my Blog Relaunch and Rebranding Campaign
Again, because I’ve been focusing on my books this month, I haven’t had much time to spare for my blog relaunch plans. I have been researching hosting and site migration, though, but in all honesty, it seems I grossly underestimated the time it would take me to migrate my site to a new host and prepare my new blog for a relaunch. In short, don’t be surprised if it really does end up being another year away (but fingers crossed that it doesn’t)!
Because it’s been incredibly difficult to manage both my self-publishing experiment and my blog relaunch campaign on top of my full-time freelance editing work, I think it will be best for me to focus on only the former until it’s done. Therefore, I probably won’t have much to share next month regarding blog updates. On the plus side, I have been learning more about how to run an author blog, so expect plenty of awesome new content when my new site is finally ready!
Reminder: Guest Posts Still Wanted!
And finally, this is another friendly reminder that I’m still accepting guest post submissions to help me promote my blog relaunch! There’s still plenty of space for more posts, so don’t be shy!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, be sure to read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Thanks again to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
by Naomi L. | July 25, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! Yes, it’s been yet another month since I last shared an update on my blog, so you know the drill by now. Here’s a quick post about what’s been going on in the month of July regarding my writing and my blog relaunch. Again, I’ve been pretty busy this month, so I’m excited to share what I’ve been working on!
So to keep you up to date, here are some updates on my writing endeavors in July!

Updates on my Books
In my last update, I mentioned that I finally finished self-editing my three dragon stories! Since then, I’ve been in touch with a designer to help me design a book cover for my new ebook (who also happens to be the same designer working on my new site theme). In the meantime, I’ve been researching how to properly format and export a Scrivener manuscript for Kindle. There’s a lot of information out there; I really should have started researching this sooner! Hopefully it all turns out well!
I’ve also still been working on my 100k-word fantasy novel every day, but most of my free writing time this month has been dedicated to the new short story trilogy I’d like to publish next. More details on that soon! Very exciting!
Updates on my Blog Relaunch and Rebranding Campaign
Since I’ve been focusing on my books this month, there’s really nothing new to report in this area. I’ve still been researching hosting, but my opinions haven’t changed much since June. At this point, I’m really just trying to avoid finding more choices, otherwise I’ll never settle on a hosting provider and get my new blog up and running!
I’m afraid I still don’t have a relaunch date, but because I’ve been focusing on my stories over the past month, September is looking like a more viable option, as I’ll have more time to organize myself in August. I’ll be sure to send out an email and share an update on my blog when I know more!
Reminder: Guest Posts Still Wanted!
And finally, this is another friendly reminder that I’m still accepting guest post submissions to help me promote my blog relaunch! There’s still plenty of space for more posts, so don’t be shy!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, be sure to read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Thanks again to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
by Naomi L. | June 27, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! It’s been another month since I last shared an update on my blog, so here’s a quick post about what’s been going on in the month of June regarding my writing and my blog relaunch. I’ve been quite busy this month, so I’m excited to share what I’ve been working on!
So to keep you all in the loop, here are some updates on my writing endeavors in June!

Updates on my Books
The first good news is that I’ve finally finished self-editing my three dragon stories! They may still need one more round of thorough revisions, but “Defender”, “Beastly Pains”, and “The Silver Queen” are just about ready for publication! The last of the three did indeed take quite a bit of work to finish, but I’m confident I’ve addressed most of the points that beta readers have brought up in their notes. Thanks to everyone who read my stories and sent me their feedback!
I’ve also been working on my 100k-word fantasy novel every day, as well as a fantasy saga told in three short stories that I’d like to publish after this ebook. I haven’t yet decided if it will be a series of separate stories on Kindle or a single ebook, but if I opt for the latter, I may offer the first story as a freebie for my mailing list! Very exciting!
Updates on my Blog Relaunch and Rebranding Campaign
The other good news is that I finally bought the domain name for my new blog! Actually, I bought two domain names: one that’s just [my full name].com and one that’s [my full name + author].com. Although I do worry that the latter might be too long since my last name is already long as it is, I’m still leaning toward that one because the “author” keyword would be great for my links. I’ll be sure to share the new domain once my new blog is up and running!
As for hosting, I haven’t yet settled on a provider in the last month, but SiteGround is still the frontrunner so far. A2 Hosting and InMotion are still on the table as well, but HostGator and Bluehost are almost definitely out due to EIG’s terrible reputation. They may be cheaper options, but I’d rather prioritize quality in the long run! Hopefully I can decide by the time my new site theme is ready!
By the way, if you have any recommendations for hosting, please feel free to share them in the comments! Any and all input is helpful! Thanks!
Again, because I haven’t settled on a new hosting provider or site design yet, I still don’t have a set date for my relaunch. At this point, a relaunch in August or September is more likely since I’ll be focusing on finishing and publishing my dragon stories in July. I’ll be sure to send out an email and share an update on my blog when I have a relaunch date!
Reminder: Guest Posts Still Wanted!
And finally, this is another friendly reminder that I’m still accepting guest post submissions to help me promote my blog relaunch! There’s still plenty of space for more posts, so don’t be shy!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, be sure to read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Thanks again to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
by Naomi L. | May 23, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! I know it’s been a month since I last posted on my blog, so I thought I’d share a quick update about what’s been going on in the month of May regarding my writing and my blog relaunch. To be honest, I really miss being active on my blog and in the writer community, so I’m working hard to return as soon as possible!
So to keep you all up to speed, here are some updates on my writing endeavors in May!

Updates on my Books
Right now, I’m just about finished self-editing the first two of my three dragon stories: “Defender” and “Beastly Pains”. The former was fairly easy to edit as it didn’t require much more work, while the latter took a bit longer because it involved extra writing to address some beta reader notes.
Meanwhile, “The Silver Queen” may take the longest to edit since it’s received the most constructive feedback, but I’m optimistic that my book will be fully edited, formatted, and ready for publication soon! Thanks again to all the beta readers who sent me their feedback!
On a side note, I’ve also been steadily editing my 100k-word fantasy novel every day. Since finishing the first draft last year, I’ve realized it’ll take way longer to finish and publish than I had expected (rookie mistake, I know), so I’m also planning a shorter series of fantasy stories to self-publish first under my new author name. More details on that later!
Updates on my Blog Relaunch and Rebranding Campaign
As far as preparations for my blog relaunch, I’ve already picked out a new domain name, which will be revealed later along with my new author name. As for hosting, the jury is still out while I research the best options for what I need, but so far SiteGround seems to be the frontrunner. Then again, my preference seems to change every week, so it’s still a toss-up at this point!
Other options I’m seriously considering are A2 Hosting and InMotion. HostGator may be a good choice too, especially for the price, but I’ve heard their hosting only gets really good at the cloud tier or higher, whereas shared hosting should be enough for my blog right now. Hopefully I can make a final decision soon!
By the way, if you have any recommendations for hosting, please feel free to share them in the comments! Any and all input is helpful! Thanks!
In other news, I’ve been working with a website designer to update the look of my blog. Since she already knows me personally, she’s had some great ideas for designs that will really fit my personality and author brand! We haven’t settled on a final design yet, but I’m excited to share the new look when it’s ready!
Because I haven’t settled on a new hosting provider or site design yet, I still don’t have a set date for my relaunch. It would be nice to have everything ready by July, but realistically, it may still be as late as August or even September. I’ll be sure to share another update on my blog when I have a relaunch date!
Reminder: Guest Posts Still Wanted!
And finally, this is a friendly reminder that I’m still accepting guest post submissions to help me promote my blog relaunch! I’ve already received a few submissions so far, but there’s still plenty of room for more, so don’t be shy!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, be sure to read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Also note that I’ll be traveling next week, so I may not have reliable access to wifi for several days. You’re still welcome to send me a pitch/post; just be aware that it may take me a while to get back to you!
Again, thank you to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
by Naomi L. | April 18, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! I’m back with another weekly notice for you all! Seems even after two weeks since announcing my upcoming blog relaunch, I still can’t go a week without blogging! Don’t worry, though, I promise this will be brief! So on to the announcements!

One Week Left to Send Beta Reader Feedback for a Free Review Copy of My Book!
First, this is a friendly reminder about my notice from last week regarding my final call for beta reader feedback. There’s still time to earn a free review copy of my upcoming book featuring short stories about dragons!
Continue reading below for a brief refresher, or go ahead and sign up for my beta readers’ list now!
To earn your free review copy of my book:
- Sign up for my beta reader list here or through the form above. Remember to confirm your email!
- Read the short stories you’ll receive in the welcome email. A brief synopsis of each story can be found here.
- Send your feedback on at least one story by following the instructions in the email. Feedback on all three stories would be great, but if you don’t have the time, just one or two is enough. 😉
After I receive your feedback, I will add you to my pre-launch list—regardless of whether your feedback is positive or negative, promise! When my book is ready to be launched on Kindle, you will receive a free copy in your email!
If you’ve already sent me feedback on at least one of my stories, don’t worry about having to send it again. You’re already on my pre-launch list! Thank you! 🙂
If you haven’t sent me your notes yet, the deadline to submit your feedback and earn your free book is Wednesday, April 25, 11:59 pm PDT. Sign up today and earn yours!
Guest Posts Still Wanted!
In case you missed it, my call for guest posts to promote my blog relaunch is still open!
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Thank you to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
by Naomi L. | April 11, 2018 | Blog, Creative Writing |
Hello, dear readers! How have you been? It’s been one week since I announced my upcoming blog relaunch, and I admit it already feels strange to not be blogging three times a week anymore. Still, I will have the occasional weekly notice until my new blog is up and running, and that includes today!
So without further ado, here are a couple of announcements for this week!

Submit Feedback on My Short Stories for a Free Review Copy of My Book!
First, while I’m already editing my dragon short stories for the final draft of my book, I’m still welcoming comments from beta readers to help me make them better. However, I can’t stay in the editing phase forever, which is why I’m now sending out a last call for feedback.
Send me your notes on my stories within the next two weeks and I’ll send you a free review copy of my book before I launch it on Kindle!
To earn your free review copy of my book:
- Sign up for my beta reader list here or through the form below. Remember to confirm your email!
- Read the short stories you’ll receive in the welcome email. A brief synopsis of each story can be found here.
- Send your feedback on at least one story by following the instructions in the email. Feedback on all three stories would be ideal, but if you don’t have the time, just one or two is enough. 😉
After I receive your feedback, I will add you to my pre-launch list—regardless of whether your feedback is positive or negative, promise! When my book is ready to be launched on Kindle, you will receive a free copy in your email!
If you’ve already sent me feedback on at least one of my stories, don’t worry about having to send it again. You’re already on the pre-launch list! Thank you! 🙂
If you haven’t sent me your notes yet, the deadline to submit your feedback and earn your free book is Wednesday, April 25, 11:59 pm PDT. Sign up today and earn yours!
Guest Posts Still Wanted!
Second, this is a brief reminder that my call for guest posts to promote my blog relaunch is still open!
For more information on the update, be sure to check out the original post here.
If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!
Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!
You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.
Thank you to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!
Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!
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