Rising Star

Backstage, she was a sweet and outgoing young girl. Behind the scenes, she had a happy life with her family and friends. Everyone loved her.

But when the lights came on, she was suddenly a different person.

The world around her changed. Before a watching crowd, she would transform into any character she wished. One night, she was that adorable little girl dancing in the chorus line; another, the diva singing her heart out in the spotlight. She could take on any role from a timid teenager to a fiery vaudevillian chanteuse, and always put every bit of her soul into her act. She stood a cut above the rest, never failing to charm her audience and draw them into her world.

And still, everyone loved her.

The way she spoke, the way she sang, the way she danced captivated every person who couldn’t take their eyes off her, following her every move executed with impeccable grace and confidence. No matter what part she played, her heart and soul always shone through, and after each performance, the truth became ever clearer to the world watching in awe from off the stage…

That sweet and outgoing young girl was a rising star.

Happy Birthday to my incredibly talented baby sister and favorite actress! You’re a wonderful performer, and I wish you all the best in everything you do. I know you’ll make it big someday! Keep reaching for the stars! I love you!


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