Word of the Week: Altruism

Word: altruism

Pronunciation: AL-troo-iz-əm

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

Remember that dialogue from The Big Bang Theory that I used to demonstrate last week’s vocabulary word? Well, it’s time to learn about the other word that was tripping Penny up.

“Altruism” refers to the theory or practice of putting the well-being of others before one’s own. In other words, “altruism” is the virtue of doing good deeds without expecting any benefits in return, as described in studies of various cultures and religions. The word can be traced back through different languages, from the French noun altruisme; to the Italian adjective altrui “other person”; to the Latin term alteri huic, meaning “to this other”.

In philosophy, “altruism” is the opposite of “egoism”, that is, the view that people’s actions are driven by self-interest. However, some disagree on whether these concepts are mutually exclusive, since doing good for others often comes with the side effect of personal gratification. Interestingly, the term “altruism” is also used in zoology to define the behavior of an animal that benefits others at its own expense (e.g. monkeys that sound alarm calls when predators are near, warning their troop of danger while simultaneously drawing attention to themselves).

Because of the weight it carries as a scientific and/or religious concept, the word seems to me like an even more virtuous form of “selflessness”. While a “selfless” person does good mostly for people closer to them, an “altruistic” person has a natural tendency to put the welfare of others in general before their own. That’s not to say these synonyms can’t be used interchangeably, of course; this is simply my own interpretation. In any case, “altruism” is usually a great character trait for a narrative’s hero, so it may be a good word to know for your writing, especially if you write adventure stories. A truly admirable protagonist is often a selfless one!

What are your thoughts on this word? Any suggestions for future “Word of the Week” featured words?

Journal – Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Yes, I got another blogging award! Being my third so far (the second has yet to be posted), the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award was kindly given to me by the very sweet and inspiring Lily of Lilica’s Place. Be sure to check out her blog! She’s awesome!

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers AwardThis award is shared among female bloggers who inspire each other through their writing. It’s an honor to have been considered for this award, especially since my blog is still only a few months old! Thank you so much!

The rules for this award are:

  1. Post the logo on your blog.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you.
  3. Choose 10-12 other ladies who blog as your nominees.
  4. Post the links to the nominees’ blogs and notify each of them on their blog.

Now here are my nominees, some really amazing women in the blogosphere:

1) Best Ever Easy Recipes

2) Jennifer M Zeiger

3) Emily Morgan Writes and Mama Going Solo (both run by the same blogger)

4) Vanessa Writes

5-9) Writers Challenge 2013 (This blog is run by five awesome female writers, so I’m counting them each individually here.)

10) Lilica’s Place (I know she’s the one who sent this award to me, but since I find her so inspiring, I feel she deserves another mention. No need to accept it all over again; it’s just a friendly gesture!)

Thanks for all your inspiration, ladies! And thank you again for the nomination, Lily! You’re amazing! Thanks for reading!

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