Tell Me Why You Love Me

“Why are you with me?”

The young woman looked up at her boyfriend, surprised by his question.

“What do you mean? I’m with you because I love you.”

“But why?” There was a subtle sadness in the young man’s eyes as he gazed at his girlfriend. “Why do you love me? You think I’m even worth it?”

The woman smiled kindly at the man. It was evident from the look in her eyes how silly she thought these questions were.

“I love you because you’re my best friend”, she said. “You’re sweet, and smart, and thoughtful. I love you because you make me laugh, and you comfort me when I’m sad. I love you because you understand me like no one else. I love you because you make me happy. So yes, I think you’re worth it.”

As her boyfriend smiled back, the young woman dared to ask the same question.

“Why do you love me?” she said. The young man hesitated; he didn’t believe he was quite as good with words as his girlfriend.

“You’re my best friend too. You make me happier than I’ve ever been. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”

“…Then I hope I’m worth it too.”

The couple gazed fondly at each other, then said good night the way they always did before ending their daily calls.

“You think we’ll be together again someday?” asked the young man. His girlfriend nodded.

“I don’t doubt it”, whispered the woman, and her boyfriend smiled again.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The young lovers bid each other farewell and finally closed their computers. Though they couldn’t see each other anymore, they still felt peace as they thought of one another and the wonderful relationship they had. They may have been thousands of miles apart, but they knew that what they shared was incredibly special and too precious to let go. Their love was worth the wait.

Happy Birthday to my best friend and loving boyfriend! You’re a wonderful person, and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. I love you, sweetheart!

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