The Miracle You Are

A “Gift from God”
Is what they said you are.
They called you a surprise,
Sent to bring more joy
Into our lives.
And they were right,
Because you’re nothing short
Of a miracle.

You’re the light
That shines every day
In our hearts.
You’re the sun
That brightens
Our gloomiest days.
You’re the flower
That graces us
With extraordinary beauty.
You’re the fire
That burns fiercely
On the theater stage.

You’re the sugar
That makes our lives
A little sweeter.
You’re the songbird
That always sings
With such a lovely voice.
You’re the rainbow
That paints our world
In vivid colors.
You’re the star
That illuminates
Our very souls.

But above all,
You’re the miracle
That fills our lives
With unending love.

May God bless you
As you have blessed us,
As you bless me every day.
I love you!

Happy Birthday to my amazing baby sister! Thank you for the miracle you are! Blessings to you on your special day and for your whole life. I love you!

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