Already Beautiful

Don’t look at me like that.

That look like you hate what you see.

You know there’s more than meets the eye.

So what if there’s a zit here and there? Who cares about a few hairs out of place? Is it the end of the world if a smile isn’t perfectly straight?

Why do you even listen to them? Ugly is a weapon losers use to take down anyone they see as a threat. It’s just a word. Only you can give it power.

Do you realize how much more valuable you are on the inside? You’re one of the kind souls in a world full of jerks. People would kill to be as smart and funny as you! And who was the last person you met with your level of talent?

Maybe the world isn’t ready for you. But that’s their problem, not yours.

Stop looking in the mirror for the wrong answers. There’s nothing of value here in the glass. You already have everything you need.

There you go! There’s that smile. Now go show it off to the world.

And whatever you do, never, ever forget the truth. Remind yourself of it every single day.

You are already beautiful.

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