Welcome to the Wolfe's (Writing) Den
I’m J.C. Wolfe (or Jay C. Wolfe, hence the name of my blog). I’m a fiction writer and aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction novels.
This is my blog, where I share my thoughts on various creative writing topics, my original stories and poetry, and eventually information about my books.
Feel free to explore my site and follow my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! Happy reading!
Who is J.C. Wolfe?

J.C. Wolfe is the artistic alter ego of a shy, nerdy 20-something-year-old biologist with a colorful imagination and a lifelong dream of being a fiction writer. She is a born-and-raised American, and after finishing grad school six thousand miles away in the exotic southern region of Brazil, she once again resides in her true home in California. Her favorite literary genres are fantasy and science fiction, and she hides behind a gender-neutral pen name while she weaves her endless thoughts and daydreams into stories meant to touch hearts and inspire the imagination of any soul who might cross her path.
Word of the Week
Word of the Week: Gasconade
Word: gasconade Pronunciation: ɡas-kə-NAYD Part of Speech: noun Definition: extravagant boasting Source: Oxford Dictionaries Here's another word I learned from the Pronunciation game in the Elevate – Brain Training app. I had no idea what it meant when I first read...
Word of the Week: Halcyon
Word: halcyon Pronunciation: HAL-see-ən Part of Speech: adjective Definition: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful Source: Oxford Dictionaries I recently revisited the 100 most beautiful words in English for vocabulary...
Word of the Week: Gourmandize
Word: gourmandize Pronunciation: GOR-mən-dyz Part of Speech: verb Definition: indulge in good eating; eat greedily Source: Oxford Dictionaries Here's another word I learned from the Association game in the Elevate – Brain Training app. This word came up in a set...
Creative Writing Blog
December Updates on My Books and Blog Relaunch + Guest Posts Still Wanted!
A belated Merry Christmas to you, dear readers! We're nearing the end of 2018, which means it's time for my final update of the year! It's been a great month, and I'm excited to share what's been going on in the month of December with my writing and my blog relaunch!...
Post-Launch Update on The Silver Queen
Hello, dear readers! It's been a little over a week since I launched my ebook of fantasy short stories, The Silver Queen and Other Dragon Tales, so I thought I'd check in today with a brief post-launch update! Since launching last week, my book has gained 9 positive...
The Silver Queen is now on Amazon!
Hello, dear readers! I've got some great news to share with you today: my new ebook of fantasy short stories, The Silver Queen and Other Dragon Tales, is now available on Amazon! My book launch started a few days ago, and I'm excited that it already has a handful of...
Hot Off the Press
Already Beautiful
Don't look at me like that. That look like you hate what you see. You know there's more than meets the eye. So what if there's a zit here and there? Who cares about a few hairs out of place? Is it the end of the world if a smile isn't perfectly straight? Why do you...
In The Mirror
I used to hate the reflection in my bedroom mirror. I wanted to be loved, but I'd always failed. Until I learned to see past the face. From that day on, my life changed. Other's opinions no longer meant anything. I'd found a true love. And she was beautiful. Nobody...
Ode to My Greatest Supporter
Of all the men I've held dear in my heart, Who've seen me at my best and at my worst, You're still the one who always tops the chart Because you were the one to love me first. Your words of wisdom taught me what was right. Your humor made me laugh throughout the...