Emotions on a Blank Page (Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge – #Haibun)

The blank page stares at me, teasing me, mocking me, daring me to write something, anything. I frown back at the white screen, my mind still empty as ever. I reach into the void for any words that will break the block. Why won’t they come? I stare harder, seething at the space I wish would fill itself. Oh, how much I could write just about the frustration of having nothing to say… I stop. I smile. Yes, yes. Fingers to keys, I begin to type. The words come easily now. From rage comes enlightenment, from enlightenment comes triumph. Before I know it, I’m grinning at a finished poem. At last, I’ve conquered the blank page.

Anger fuels the fire
Until all falls into place
And my smile returns
Happiness comes in flashes
But such is a writer’s life!

My response to Colleen Chesebro‘s Weekly Poetry Challenge #76: Joy & Fury. The twist is to only use synonyms for the prompt words! For this challenge, I chose to write a haibun about the emotional rollercoaster that is writing. I hope you enjoy the poem! Thanks for the prompt, Colleen!

Stronger Than You

You think you’re so tough, don’t you?

You think you have limitless power. Every time you strike, it gives you such a high. You revel in the chaos and devastation you create. It’s never enough; no matter how much pain you cause, you always want more.

I know because I’ve been watching you from the start.

I know why you do what you do. You think you can tear down their spirits. You think if you hit them hard enough, you can break them. You think if you destroy them from the inside, you can win.

But I also know that you’re wrong. You will never win. You can hit them as hard as you want, and you may even break a few, but you will never destroy them all. Because on the other side, there will always be someone to catch them, to heal them, to mend their spirits and send them right back out to fight you and everything you stand for.

That someone is me.

Every time you threaten them, I tell them not to be afraid. Every time you hurt them, I defy the impossible to heal them. Every time you break them, I embrace them and remind them that they will recover, that the pain will make them stronger, that it’s not the end.

You want everyone to know they should fear you. But I want you to know that you should be afraid too, because no matter how many hearts you break, how many souls you claim, or how many lives you take, you will never defeat me.

You forget that for every one spirit you break, many more rise up against you. For every one soul you claim, countless others flock to me. For every one person you push over the edge, hundreds find solace in my love and choose to believe in the better life I promise. We outnumber you, and we always will.

So be very afraid, Despair.

Because my name is Hope.

And I will always be stronger than you.

Walking Paradox

I don’t have a clue who I am,
But I know exactly what I want.

I want to act selfish sometimes,
But I like being seen as a nice person.

I want to prove myself an individual,
But I care too much what other people think.

I want to share my interests,
But I’m afraid I’ll annoy people with them.

I want to be offered help,
But I get angry when I can’t do things by myself.

I want to talk about my problems,
But I don’t want to burden anyone.

I want people to know me well,
But I hate being predictable.

I want everyone to know how I’m feeling
Without me having to tell them.

I want close friendships
Without the effort of maintaining them.

I want to pour my heart out
While still being mysterious.

I want to be loved by everyone
Without giving a damn what anyone thinks of me.

I don’t have a clue what I want,
But I know exactly who I am:
A walking paradox.


I’m feeling fine,
You calmly say.
Your life is good
And you’re okay.

I’m feeling good,
You realize.
Your heart is bright
As sunny skies.

I’m feeling bad,
You start to think
As all your spirits
Slowly sink.

You’re well again.
Your soul’s content.
But then you’re hit
With pure resent.

You’re doing great,
You’re grinning wide,
Until a rage
Fills you inside.

One minute, you feel
You could fly.
The next, you’re trying
Not to cry.

It comes and goes,
An endless track.
You think you’re fine.
And suddenly, whack:
The pendulum
Comes swinging back.


Kiss these tender lips
Tremble as the heart flutters
Ardently in love

Fire burns within
Rage erupts in violence
Feel the seething hate

Unending cycle
First a blessing, then a curse
Passion knows no bounds

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