The Gift of Song (Colleen’s Weekly #Poetry Challenge #51 – #Haibun)

They call it a gift, yet to me it’s a mystery. They envy me for it, they want it for themselves. Yet as I wait behind the curtain, I wonder why. Is it still a gift if you don’t want it? I take a deep breath, exhale slowly. The fear overtakes me, I begin to tremble. But as the curtain rises, anxiety fades into excitement. I understand now. I stand alone on the stage, heart racing, dazed in the light. Silence fills the hall. Lips part, one voice echoes out, a small bird soaring through the air.

Strange beautiful gift

Music touches every heart

Poetry in song

My response to Colleen Chesebro‘s Weekly Poetry Challenge #51: Gift & Song. I know this is the third week in a row that I’ve participated, but I couldn’t resist trying my hand at a haibun with this prompt! I hope you enjoy the poem! Thanks for the prompt, Colleen!

Last Summer Weekend

Long summer vacations
Always come with a final break
Before the unofficial season ends.
One last long weekend and we’ll
Return to our everyday routines.

Don’t waste your last days of summer!
Autumn is just around the corner.
You work hard all year, so enjoy!

Happy Labor Day to all my readers in the U.S.! Have a great long weekend!

What I Love About You

I love you and everything about you.

I love how compatible we are and how well we get along.
I love how much brighter my life has been since you came into it.

I love the way you look at me with those adoring brown eyes.
I love the way you smile at me every time you see me.
I love the way you tell me that I’m beautiful, that I’m smart, that I’m wonderful, and that you can’t imagine your life without me.

I love that I can’t imagine my life without you either.

I love that you’re an artist and that you know what being an artist entails.
I love that you’re an introvert too, so you also understand the challenges of dealing with people.

I love that you support my writing as much as I support your music.
I love that you respect my passion enough to always give me the time and space I need to finish a piece.
I love that you can handle being in a relationship with a crazy writer.

I love your sense of humor.
I love the way you tease me and how you can always make me laugh.
I love how we share so many ridiculous jokes that only we understand.

I love how I can always count on you to hug me when I cry and make me feel better when I’m sad.
I love that no matter what happens, I always have you.

I love believing that as long as we have each other, anything is possible.

I love how we can talk about anything, or even just sit together in silence and enjoy each other’s company.
I love just being in the same room with you.

I love waking up next to you every day and falling asleep next to you every night.
I love that we don’t have to say good night through a computer screen anymore.
I love that we can finally look into each other’s eyes and kiss each other for real.

I love that you waited for me.
I love that no matter how hard it was or how anxious we both were, you never stopped believing that someday we’d be together again.
I love that you were right.

I love that I can write totally cheesy romantic poems about you and still mean every single word.
I love that you still inspire me to write romantic poetry, even after knowing you for years.

I love how there are so many things I love about you that the word Love doesn’t even sound like a word anymore.

I love loving you.
I love that you love me.
And I love how after all these years of waiting, we can finally be together for good.

I love you, my love. And I always will.

Happy Birthday to my wonderful boyfriend! You will always be the light of my life! I love you, sweetheart!

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