What If? Writing Prompts: Fantasy / Science Fiction VI

My apologies, but I must leave you all with another set of “What If?” Writing Prompts this week. As I finish preparing for the defense of my Master’s thesis, it seems the only thing on my mind these days is science, so I thought it would be appropriate to share some more fantasy and science fiction prompts. Have fun writing new stories from these ideas, and feel free to add more of your own!

What If - Parchment and QuillWhat if… a massive meteor were heading toward Earth… and only you knew how to stop it?

What if… you found a capsule in your backyard containing an alien artifact?

What if… you were granted the power to shape-shift into one magical creature of your choice?

What if… you could learn the ability to breathe fire or ice?

What if… magic were a field of science?

Good luck spinning more tales of fantasy and science fiction!

If you have any “What If?” writing prompt suggestions (for any theme), please feel free to share them in the comments below. Ideas I like may be featured in future “What If?” posts, with full credit and a link to your blog (if you have one)! Also, if you’ve written a piece based on an idea you’ve found here, be sure to link back to the respective “What If?” post. I would love to see what you’ve done with the prompt! Thank you!

What If? Writing Prompts: History IV

Yep, it’s another set of “What If?” Writing Prompts for you all! Since readers seemed to enjoy my list of five reasons I love historical fiction, I thought today I’d complement it with a new batch of history-themed prompts. What stories of the past can you create from these ideas? Good luck!

What If - Parchment and QuillWhat if… the Confederacy had won the American Civil War?

What if… the Meiji Restoration, which returned imperial rule to Japan and catalyzed the nation’s modernization, had never happened?

What if… Africa had never been colonized by Europe?

What if… the Allies had failed to decrypt the Enigma code, used by Nazi Germany to encrypt military communication during World War II?

What if… Al Gore had won the 2000 U.S. presidential election?

Have fun writing some more historical tales!

If you have any “What If?” writing prompt suggestions (for any theme), please feel free to share them in the comments below. Ideas I like may be featured in future “What If?” posts, with full credit and a link to your blog (if you have one)! Also, if you’ve written a piece based on an idea you’ve found here, be sure to link back to the respective “What If?” post. I would love to see what you’ve done with the prompt! Thank you!

What If? Writing Prompts: Love and Peace III

As I enter the incredibly hectic final stretch of a major chapter in my life, I leave you all this week with some more “What If?” Writing Prompts to help tide over my creative writing posts. Someone recently expressed interest in the last set of love and peace prompts that I shared, saying they were good positive stimuli in such a negative world, so in the face of the media’s constant storm of bad news, please enjoy another batch of feel-good prompts for your writing. What positive stories can you spin from these ideas? Have fun!

What If - Parchment and QuillWhat if… in the future, war became a subject exclusively of fiction and history books?

What if… technology were only ever used to help people, never to hurt them?

What if… all nations united in an effort to end world hunger?

What if… political leaders succeeded in abolishing poverty?

What if… everyone in the world had access to affordable, high-quality education?

Good luck creating more tales about love and peace!

If you have any “What If?” writing prompt suggestions (for any theme), please feel free to share them in the comments below. Ideas I like may be featured in future “What If?” posts, with full credit and a link to your blog (if you have one)! Also, if you’ve written a piece based on an idea you’ve found here, be sure to link back to the respective “What If?” post. I would love to see what you’ve done with the prompt! Thank you!

What If? Writing Prompts: Mystery / Suspense IV

How about some more “What If?” Writing Prompts until I get back into my regular writing swing? I just realized I haven’t shared a set of mystery and suspense prompts in over a year, so here are some more for you to enjoy now. What strange stories can you create from these ideas? Have fun!

What If - Parchment and QuillWhat if… you found a strange box in your storage unit containing a valuable piece of jewelry and a note warning of its “curse”?

What if… you woke up in an old empty house with no memory of how you got there?

What if… every time you went to sleep at night, you woke up into yesterday instead of tomorrow?

What if… there were a door in your house that kept opening by itself, no matter how many times you locked it?

What if… you kept receiving letters from someone you knew had died years ago?

Good luck spinning some more mysterious and suspenseful tales!

If you have any “What If?” writing prompt suggestions (for any theme), please feel free to share them in the comments below. Ideas I like may be featured in future “What If?” posts, with full credit and a link to your blog (if you have one)! Also, if you’ve written a piece based on an idea you’ve found here, be sure to link back to the respective “What If?” post. I would love to see what you’ve done with the prompt! Thank you!

What If? Writing Prompts: Humor IV

Here’s another round of “What If?” Writing Prompts for you to enjoy! To keep things lighthearted, this week’s batch is set to the theme of humor. What silly tales can you spin from these ideas? Enjoy!

What If - Parchment and QuillWhat if… someone charmed/cursed you to speak only in puns?

What if… you noticed all the animals around you had “shifty eyes”?

What if… a monster showed up at your door… to ask you for something mundane?

What if… every time you spoke, candy fell from your lips?

What if… everyone had a theme song that played whenever they entered a room?

Have fun writing more humorous stories!

If you have any “What If?” writing prompt suggestions (for any theme), please feel free to share them in the comments below. Ideas I like may be featured in future “What If?” posts, with full credit and a link to your blog (if you have one)! Also, if you’ve written a piece based on an idea you’ve found here, be sure to link back to the respective “What If?” post. I would love to see what you’ve done with the prompt! Thank you!

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