To Love Someone Forever

To love someone intensely is to feel
Complete beside the person you adore.
When life gives you a love so pure and real,
You live each day to feel it more and more.

To love someone with all your heart and soul
Is finding one with whom to share your life,
So when your trials start to take their toll,
You’ll find peace with your husband or your wife.

To love someone forever is to know
The joy of having someone on your side.
No matter what you do or where you go,
You’ll always be together for the ride.

All that I’ve learned of love, you two taught me.
I love you! Happy Anniversary!

Spying Wonders (Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge #144)

Wonders of the sky
Such lovely shapes in the clouds
That we spy above

These curious minds
Ponder this blossoming love
And see everything

Through these secret eyes
Everything is beautiful
Our wonderful life

My responses to Ronovan WritesWeekly Haiku Challenge #144: Wonder & Spy. Sorry I’m late on this one; I just couldn’t resist such an interesting theme! Thanks for the prompt, Ronovan!

Defending Science

Celebrate the Earth
And its natural treasures
That sustain all life

Take care of your home
Recycle, reuse, reduce
And preserve the world

Science is the key
To defending all life from
Total destruction

Save our dear planet
Defend the environment
March on this Earth Day!

Follow the Bunny

If you enjoy the sweetest snack,
Be sure to follow every track:
A set of paw prints leading back
Outside into the dawn.

You catch a glimpse of something white
That came to visit in the night
To bring you treats and sweet delight:
A bunny on your lawn!

You look down at the grassy ground
And gaze in wonder all around
At all the chocolate eggs you’ve found
To munch throughout the day.

Now spend the day with ones you love
To celebrate the Lord above!
Enjoy the fun (and chocolate) of
This blessed Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter to all my family, friends, and readers who are celebrating! May you all have a blessed weekend!

Spring Cleaning

When spring is in the air
And the flowers are in bloom,
It’s time to get to cleaning
That messy living room.

Push aside your tables
And turn up every chair.
Vacuum up the carpet
And refresh the dusty air.

Catch those pesky “bunnies”
Hiding underneath your couch.
A sparkling floor is only won
By those who dare to crouch.

Don’t forget the other rooms.
The kitchen needs a scrub.
And you don’t want to put off
Cleaning up that stained bathtub.

The bedrooms need a dusting
And a vacuuming as well,
And tossing out old junk will surely
Help improve the smell.

At last, your cleaning’s finished,
From the garage to the den.
Now you finally can relax…
Until spring rolls round again.

Sonnet to the March Flowers

For every bitter winter we endure,
A welcome spring will follow in due time.
As vivid colors brighten its allure,
We celebrate its flowers so sublime.

A loving mother offers an embrace,
While sisters give their strength in numbers too.
And when the toughest challenge you must face,
You’ll find support from all of them for you.

So every March, please celebrate the gift
That is those lovely ladies in your life,
For when your spirit finds it needs a lift,
They’ll often be the sun to end your strife.

Commemorate these gems for all their worth:
Dear women, the true flowers of the Earth.

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