Word of the Week: Ephemeral

Word: ephemeral

Pronunciation: ə-FE-m(ə)rəl

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: lasting for a very short time

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

I love this word. I’m not even entirely sure why, but I do. It was one of those words that I had to look up as soon as I heard it, and which I had to start using as soon as I knew what it meant. I think it sounds very poetic, and when used well, it can really add to the flow of a story. After all, what’s the fun of calling something “short-lived” when you can use a more artistic-sounding word instead?

That which is “ephemeral” is fleeting, lasting only a short time. The word comes from the Greek adjective ephemeros, which literally means “for one day”, as it’s comprised of the roots epi “on” and hemera “day”. This is also the origin of the English noun “ephemeron” (best known by its plural form, “ephemera”), referring to things that exist for only a short period of time.

Interestingly, this word is especially meaningful to me because of my background in Ecology. Biologically, “ephemeral” is used to refer to species (particularly plants) with a very short life cycle, and can also function as a noun to indicate these types of organisms. As for its general uses, “ephemeral” falls close to the extreme of the “temporary” spectrum – just above “evanescent”, which indicates what vanishes almost as soon as it appears. So if you like to describe things that last about a day or a similarly short period of time, this is a good word to know. In my opinion, a great way to add a poetic touch to your stories is by writing about the “ephemeral” things in life!

What are your thoughts on this word? Any suggestions for future “Word of the Week” featured words?

Journal – 100th Blog Post!

So I was sorting through my blog archive the other day when my eye was drawn to the post count at the top of the page. That’s when I noticed I was getting close to a milestone: one hundred posts! When I counted the ones I had already scheduled, I realized the hundredth would fall on a Monday, which fits perfectly into my Journal posting schedule. So here it is: my 100th blog post!

Wow, one hundred posts? Congratulations!

Thank you! I’m actually amazed that I’ve even made it this far. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to keep up blogging consistently for this long, but apparently I have, so yay me!

Now you’re probably wondering what I had planned for this special post. Honestly, I didn’t really intend to write anything long; I just wanted to acknowledge the milestone, and take the opportunity to thank all my regular readers for their support. Special thanks go out to those who have been reading my blog since Day One (you know who you are)! I’ve learned quite a bit since I started, my writing has been steadily evolving, and I’ve met some very interesting people in the blogosphere. But I’ll save the really special post for my blog’s first birthday. For now, I’d just like to say: thank you, dear readers! You’re all awesome!

Hooray for 100 blog posts! Here’s to another hundred, and many more!

100 Candles

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