Word: serendipity

Pronunciation: se-rən-DI-pi-tee

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Source: Oxford Dictionaries

“Serendipity” is an intriguing word, isn’t it? Whenever I hear it, I think it could be the name of a celebrity or a word used to describe a situation of peace and calm. Interestingly enough, though, “serendipity” isn’t related to the word “serenity” yet does have a similar definition, as both words mean something positive.

“Serendipity” refers to the development of fortunate events that happen by chance. The word was coined in 1754 by Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, who drew it from an English translation of the Persian fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip. Walpole evidently created the word to define the fortune of the story’s heroes, who, in his words, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”.

Life has a way of surprising us with a lucky streak at least once in a while. Hence, fictional characters are bound to have the occasional run of good fortune too. If you enjoy writing about lucky characters and favorable twists of fate, you can probably make plenty of references to “serendipity” in your stories! Good luck (pun totally intended)!

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