Walking Paradox

I don’t have a clue who I am,
But I know exactly what I want.

I want to act selfish sometimes,
But I like being seen as a nice person.

I want to prove myself an individual,
But I care too much what other people think.

I want to share my interests,
But I’m afraid I’ll annoy people with them.

I want to be offered help,
But I get angry when I can’t do things by myself.

I want to talk about my problems,
But I don’t want to burden anyone.

I want people to know me well,
But I hate being predictable.

I want everyone to know how I’m feeling
Without me having to tell them.

I want close friendships
Without the effort of maintaining them.

I want to pour my heart out
While still being mysterious.

I want to be loved by everyone
Without giving a damn what anyone thinks of me.

I don’t have a clue what I want,
But I know exactly who I am:
A walking paradox.

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