Earn a Free Review Copy of My Short Story Ebook! + Blog Relaunch Guest Posts Still Wanted!

Hello, dear readers! How have you been? It’s been one week since I announced my upcoming blog relaunch, and I admit it already feels strange to not be blogging three times a week anymore. Still, I will have the occasional weekly notice until my new blog is up and running, and that includes today!

So without further ado, here are a couple of announcements for this week!

Submit Feedback on My Short Stories for a Free Review Copy of My Book!

First, while I’m already editing my dragon short stories for the final draft of my book, I’m still welcoming comments from beta readers to help me make them better. However, I can’t stay in the editing phase forever, which is why I’m now sending out a last call for feedback.

Send me your notes on my stories within the next two weeks and I’ll send you a free review copy of my book before I launch it on Kindle!

To earn your free review copy of my book:

  1. Sign up for my beta reader list here or through the form below. Remember to confirm your email!
  2. Read the short stories you’ll receive in the welcome email. A brief synopsis of each story can be found here.
  3. Send your feedback on at least one story by following the instructions in the email. Feedback on all three stories would be ideal, but if you don’t have the time, just one or two is enough. 😉

After I receive your feedback, I will add you to my pre-launch list—regardless of whether your feedback is positive or negative, promise! When my book is ready to be launched on Kindle, you will receive a free copy in your email!

Beta Read My Fantasy Short Stories!

Sign up to receive early drafts of my short stories and give feedback on my writing!

Thanks for signing up! Don't forget to confirm your email!

If you’ve already sent me feedback on at least one of my stories, don’t worry about having to send it again. You’re already on the pre-launch list! Thank you! 🙂

If you haven’t sent me your notes yet, the deadline to submit your feedback and earn your free book is Wednesday, April 25, 11:59 pm PDT. Sign up today and earn yours!

Guest Posts Still Wanted!

Second, this is a brief reminder that my call for guest posts to promote my blog relaunch is still open!

For more information on the update, be sure to check out the original post here.

If you’re interested in submitting a guest post, read the guidelines first, then sign up for my list below!

Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!

Join My Blog Relaunch Street Team!

Join my list to receive the latest updates on my blog relaunch and information about guest post opportunities!

Awesome! Thanks for signing up!

You should receive a welcome email plus another email in a few days with instructions on how to pitch me your guest post.

Thank you to everyone who’s signed up to help me make my book launch and blog relaunch a success! You’re all awesome!

Talk to you again soon! Until then, happy reading/writing!

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