Ask Me Why I’d Wait For You

Ask me what I want the most,
And I’ll tell you
I want to be with you.

Ask me if I know it won’t be easy,
And I’ll tell you
I don’t mind one bit.

Ask me if I’m sure,
And I’ll tell you
I’d do whatever it takes.

Ask me why I would,
And I’ll tell you
It’s because I love you.

Ask me why I do,
And I’ll tell you
It’s because you make me happy.

Ask me how happy you make me,
And I’ll tell you
I wouldn’t wait this long for anyone else.

Ask me why I’d wait for you,
And I’ll smile
Because you already know.

I want to be with you
Because you’re worth the wait.

Happy Birthday to my best friend and adoring boyfriend! Thank you for being so wonderful! I hope to be with you again soon. I love you, sweetheart!

The Best Love

What is the best kind of love?

Is it love at first sight?
That rush you feel
When you first set eyes
On that beloved person?
The idea that fate
Brought you together
And nothing in the world
Could tear you apart?

Is it love based on mutual interest?
The safe path of dating
Until you find someone
Who matches you perfectly?
The comfort of knowing
You’ve finally found
That one person
Who makes you truly happy?

Is it love that started as hate?
The endless passionate fire
Turned upside-down?
The surprise of discovering
That someone you could
Never live with
Becomes someone you could
Never live without?

Or is it love born from friendship?
Knowing your partner
From the inside out?
Having someone with whom
To share your deepest thoughts,
Your greatest dreams,
Your darkest fears?
Always believing
You have somebody close
Who you can trust completely?
Being one half of a whole
Who have nothing to hide
From one another
And who love each other
For exactly who they are?

Yes, love comes in many forms,
But the best kind of love
Is a love that was
Always true from the start.

Dedicated to my parents, who taught me that the best way to fall in love is with your best friend. May your Happily Ever After truly last forever! I love you both so much!

The Miracle You Are

A “Gift from God”
Is what they said you are.
They called you a surprise,
Sent to bring more joy
Into our lives.
And they were right,
Because you’re nothing short
Of a miracle.

You’re the light
That shines every day
In our hearts.
You’re the sun
That brightens
Our gloomiest days.
You’re the flower
That graces us
With extraordinary beauty.
You’re the fire
That burns fiercely
On the theater stage.

You’re the sugar
That makes our lives
A little sweeter.
You’re the songbird
That always sings
With such a lovely voice.
You’re the rainbow
That paints our world
In vivid colors.
You’re the star
That illuminates
Our very souls.

But above all,
You’re the miracle
That fills our lives
With unending love.

May God bless you
As you have blessed us,
As you bless me every day.
I love you!

Happy Birthday to my amazing baby sister! Thank you for the miracle you are! Blessings to you on your special day and for your whole life. I love you!

Recipe for a Writer

Take one extraordinary mind.

Add four tablespoons of fresh ideas
(Assorted flavors work best),
Two cups of emotion,
And a pinch of eccentricity.

Stir well,
Seasoning with experience
At regular intervals (to taste).

Bake for several years
Until creativity forms,
Then let sit for another few years
Until motivation rises.

Enjoy indefinitely!

Makes: one writer
Serves: one audience of readers

Based on a writing prompt from a social event on Writer’s Carnival: Recipe Medley.

Share your favorite recipe! It can be a real recipe for food or beverage OR it can be a totally made up one. Your choice!

I took the opportunity to imagine what makes a writer, and it was a lot of fun trying to write it all in the form of a recipe! I hope you enjoy what I’ve written. Thanks for reading!

What I Miss About You

You may think
I have a dozen reasons
Not to miss you.
You may think
We’ve grown apart,
That I don’t think of you often,
That I no longer care.

But the truth is that
For every reason I may have
Not to miss you
Now and then,
I have a dozen more
To miss you like crazy
Every day.

I miss your sharp wit
That never failed
To make us laugh.
I miss your beautiful face
That always made the room
A little brighter.
I miss your clever projects
That kept us entertained
For hours on end.
I miss your caring nature
That made the rest of us
Feel so loved.

I miss the time we used to spend
Watching dozens of funny videos.
I miss the nights we used to stay up
Talking and laughing.
I miss the games we used to play,
The songs we used to sing,
The stories we used to tell
Of the life we had growing up.

But most of all,
I miss knowing that nearby,
I always have my lifelong friend.

Know that I wish you all the best
In your life out there,
And always remember that
No matter where you are,
I miss you every day,
And I love you.

Happy Birthday to my awesome little sister! Wishing you the very best on your special day and in everything you do in life! Miss you so much! I love you!

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